Saturday, April 26, 2008

Rough Cut Sketch #1 - Happy Accidents

When I went to render a clip I was playing with I got a significant number of warning messages saying could not retrieve a frame yet it completed rendering the file anyways. The result is this very interesting corrupt video file. I'm assuming that despite not correctly retrieving a frame it instead pulled random data where it thought that frame was stored and used it creating the strange glitches.

This occurred when I was using footage from my 2nd digital camera that for whatever reason says the frame rate is ~15.000001 instead of 15 on the head. I assume it's requesting a frame that exists but due to working with reals/integers it couldn't exactly find it.

Unfortunately when I tried this with other clips the result wasn't really as stunning and either crashed the program, or only had minor video glitches. I'm guessing because the original clip contained pretty much still images is why it's so pronounced. When I have more time I'll investigate this further as I really like the result and it would be great to be able to reproduce it on demand.
Here is the correctly rendered original

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